Services performed at: Lennon Rd-Flint, Novi and Royal Oak
What is 4D Breast MRI?

Four-dimensional imaging gives doctors a better chance of finding breast cancer early, and may reveal tumors that other imaging techniques might not. If cancer is detected, four-dimensional imaging makes it easier to discover additional tumors in the same or opposite breast and provides better information to guide treatment decisions, such as lumpectomy (removing diseased tissue only) vs. mastectomy (removing the entire breast), or single vs. double mastectomy.
As you can see when you view a photograph of the examination room, RMI’s MRI unit has an open feel for greater patient comfort.
Preparing for 4D Breast MRI
Breast MRI History Sheet and MRI History Form (Please print, complete and bring both forms with you to your appointment.)
During the exam, you will lie face down on a table combined with the MRI unit. The table is designed with special openings in which the breasts are positioned for the exam.
Generally, you can expect to wear a gown that RMI will provide. You should also inform us before scheduling your appointment if you have any metallic surgical implants or accidentally implanted metallic objects (for examples, see our general MRI page.) You may need to remove any jewelry or accessories that could interfere with the radio waves.