For those with high deductibles or no insurance, we’re confident you’ll find RMI is significantly more affordable. Our time-of-service cash pay pricing offers savings comparable to our competition and area hospitals.
Using our self-pay option, you get affordable, high-quality imaging services while avoiding the hassle of merely paying down your deductible. Save those deductible payments for really big issues, and pay less up front with cash pay.
Price Transparency and Price Comparison
We believe in price transparency. To take the RMI Challenge, download our Time of Service Pricing (cash prices) below and see what our exams cost. Compare them with other providers – just ask for their cash prices. Always feel free to call us at (248) 536-0410 (Oakland County) or (810) 732-1919 (Genesee & Lapeer counties) for specific pricing on a procedure — we’re here to help!
By the way, our cash pay pricing also includes the radiologist reading fee. Most providers charge a separate fee on a separate bill.
Click here to view cash pay pricing for diagnostic exams.
Click here to view cash pay pricing for interventional procedures.
If You Have Insurance
If you have health insurance, your exams will usually be covered as we take most insurances. Learn more about our billing & insurance. If you are unsure of whether RMI accepts and/or participates with your insurance, please contact us at 810-244-3871.
Read about how RMI is a leader in cash pay pricing in this Wall Street Journal article.